Is online shopping secure?

Yes. Rugstore NE uses a third party to process all payment data. This third party uses the latest security and encryption to protect your payment data while shopping online.
We are registered with the Information Commisioners Office, the UK Data Protection enforcement agency.
Our registration number is Z1745948, your assurance that we process data in strict compliance with current UK Data Protection legislation, following strict security procedures for storing information and preventing unauthorised access to it
All of our online transactions are processed at time of order by Barclays PLC or Paypal Inc.
Our entire site is now using "https" protocol to ensure that your connection to our site and connections to our payment partners are private and secure. You can confirm this by checking the lock icon in the address bar.
In addition to this we ensure we are fully compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)
To help identify whether the site you are using is secure look for the padlock symbol followed by "https" in the URL at the front of